Thursday, December 1, 2011

December Daily - The Foundation

Hope you're sitting down, this will be a long one!  I didn't realize how many pictures I had until I got them on the computer and renamed them...oh man!  Ok, so this is the foundation of my December Daily.  I purchased the kit from Studio Calico (sold out).  I also purchased the daily overlays from Designer Digitals.  The layout goes like this:
Left side (back of previous page): patterned paper and embellishment
Center: decorative transparency with day number
Right: overlay with details of the day, pictures, journaling, etc.
My concern right now is how full it is, and I haven't even added any pictures or anything like that.  I mean, check this out:
Scary huh?  I'm thinking I might go back and change out some of the thick brads and anything else I can do to make not so bulky to start off with.  And here are my foundation pages:
Inside the cover is a calendar page that came with the kit.  I stamped the dates and added in things that are already on our calendar for the month.  I'll add to it as things pop up as well.  I may add in some small pictures along the bottom, haven't quite decided yet.

This will be the cover page.  It's not done yet, obviously.  Hint: that painted red "S" up in the corner is going on there.

I've added little post-its to pages to remind me of what I want to share that day.  Most pages already have these!

This envelope will hold small journal cards and I'll paste return address labels from Christmas cards we get from friends on it.  Saw this on this Pinterest post.

So there you have it, my December Daily foundation!  I really love it!  I'm excited to get started on it today.  I'll be updating weekly with my pages, so you'll see one week at a time.  Time to power up my Pandora Christmas station and get to working on Dec 1!  If you're doing a December Daily, please let me know where I can see it!  Happy Scrapping!


  1. Wow! This is stunning. I love all the transparencies you have used.

  2. love your foundation pages. not only is my binder red, but i put one of those calendars on the back of the cover too... great minds huh?

  3. These are EXTRA cute!!! LOVE this idea!
