Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Draculas - My Review

I posted last week that I had been asked to preview and review a new book collaborated on by JA Konrath, called Draculas.  I finished it last night!  If you like vampire books and don't mind some blood and guts, I would definitely recommend this book.  I really liked it!  The best part is, it's only $2.99!  However, it's an ebook only, so if you don't have a Kindle or an e-reader, you probably won't be able to read it.  I really enjoyed it and I am so honored that he asked me to review it.  Here's my official review on Good Reads and Amazon:

I'm not a big fan of gore.  In fact, gory movies?  No thanks.  However, JA Konrath is one of my favorite authors.  I can't watch the gore, but I have no problem reading it.  I know, weird, but let's just go with it.  "Draculas" is definitely not one for the squeamish.  It's a VAMPIRE book, for real!  No gorgeous vamps here.  They don't sparkle, it's not ok for them to live among us, they're awful and relentless.  Through all the blood and guts (and there's lots of it), there's some funny and lovable characters and I found myself getting really upset when we lost some of them.  Even though this is a scary book, it was refreshing to read a vampire book that just scares the begeezus out of you, as vampires should.  Loved it and hoping there's a sequel, it could definitely keep going!

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