Monday, August 2, 2010

Sketchbook 2 Class - Day One

Here is the first page I created for my online scrapbooking class that I'm taking this month.  It was a labor of love, let me tell you.  First, my sewing machine was acting up...bad machine!  Finally got that working, then I had to redo my journaling three times because I kept messing up....bad Sarah!  And finally my ink pad decided to dry up on me...bad ink!  But, I finished it and I love it.  Even with all the mistakes, it still turned out beautifully.  Today was just one of those days that my scrapbooking decided to keep me on my toes!

I also wanted to discuss the book I'm reading right now: Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert.  I started this book when it first came out and got as far as the eating.  I hit the pray part and got bored so I put it down.  Since the movie is coming out soon, I thought I'd give it another go.  I really want to see the movie!  But I have to be honest, she's losing me again, and I haven't even hit the pray part yet.  I'm determined to read the whole thing, but it's getting a little painful.  I may be the only person who isn't enjoying this book since everyone else I know has loved it.  I'm sticking with it though, who's with me?  I just hope this is one of the rare instances when the movie is better than the book.

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